Schedule of Events
Saturday, March 2, 2019
9:00 – 10:00: Board of Directors Meeting
10:30 – 11:45: General Membership Meeting with door prize of RMBA gear and a free membership for one year
11:45 – 12:45: Lunch
12:50 – 1:50: Bison Handling System Design and Materials – Darren Post, High Plains Cattle Supply
2:00 – 3:00: Bison Corral, Alleys, and Fence Design and Materials – Les Carberry, Bison Pipe and Supply
3:10 – 4:10: Bison and Minerals – Wendell Mickelsen, Redmond Minerals
4:20 – 5:20: Supplemental Feeding Nutrition – Cadra Van Bibber-Krueger, Ranch Way Feeds and Rob Pischel
5:30 – 6:30: Social Time with a cash bar
6:00 – 9:00: Bison Dinner Banquet, Bison Bingo, and Benefit Auction
Sunday, March 3, 2019
8:30 – 9:30: Special Program Certifications (Animal Welfare, Grass-fed, Non-GMO, Organic) – Callie Casteel, A Greener World
9:40 – 10:40: Bison Product Labeling Regulations – Dr. Jennifer Martin, Colorado State University
10:50 – 11:50: Commercial Motor Vehicles Rules, Regulations, and Exemptions – John Graves
12:00 – 1:00: Bison Lunch, Social Time, and Bison Knife Raffle
1:10 – 1:40: Introduction to Holistic Management – Patrick Toomey, Crossroads Ranch Consulting
1:50 – 3:10: Creating a Grazing Plan/Calendar – Patrick Toomey, Crossroads Ranch Consulting
3:20 – 4:40: Bison Vaccination Programs, basics on performing injections and minor procedures without a vet – Dr. Tim Holt, Colorado State University
4:40 – 5:30: Social Time
Location & Hotel
Denver Marriot Hotel Westminster
7000 Church Ranch Boulevard
Westminster, CO 80021
Hotel reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly and mentioning Rocky Mountain Buffalo Association, or visiting:
The hotel room rate is $110 per night. Deadline to reserve a room is February 8, 2019.
Conference Information Contact
For any additional information on the conference, contact John Graves at 303-887-9677.